Posted on 13 Comments Blog: Morning Edition For 2019-12-21 17:36:48 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “So Alex was counting the days until he would step on the holy soil of Boston, ready to breathe the cold Atlantic air and sense the spirits of those remarkable people about whom he had read so much with nearly religious admiration, walk the streets in their footsteps, and pray in the churches where they had found peace and solace in times of fateful junction.”― “The Endless Beginning”

George Sorbane books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump

@realDonald Trump


Donald J. Trump




Quote Tweet

Department of Defense 🇺🇸


· 16h


LIVE: @POTUS Trump delivers remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2020.


Donald J. Trump



The great Democrat disgrace. But we are winning!

Quote Tweet

Senator Rand Paul


· Dec 18

We have seen sham hearings, selected witnesses, and Dems who have contorted the facts to fit a fictional narrative. Shameful that from the first day of this duly elected presidency, Dems have wanted to impeach @POTUS. Unnecessary & counterproductive. Senate will end this charade!


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Senator Rand Paul


Dec 19

“In the advocacy culture of our new media, ex-government officials such as Brennan, Clapper and McCabe can be paid to appear on news programs to analyze (or vindicate) their own unethical behavior.”

Victor Davis Hanson: Former intelligence chiefs fit perfectly into media advocacy culture

Former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have lots of things in common.


Donald J. Trump



Plus, never did anything wrong. Read the Transcripts. A Democrat Hoax!

Quote Tweet

John Roberts


· Dec 20

According to @Harvard law professor Noah Feldman (a Dem witness in the Judiciary hearing), President Trump is not “impeached” until the articles are sent to the Senate. If Pelosi holds onto them indefinitely, @realDonaldTrump would not be “impeached”.


2…………>  Go For The Stars: US Space Force


President Trump has ushered a brand new branch of US military, the Space Force, the first new military service since the Air Force was spun off from the Army in 1947, a statement of a wider, and far reaching view to achieve American dominance in space, branch administered by the Secretary of the Air Force.

In signing the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, that includes Space Force, the President claimed a victory for one of his top national security priorities just days after being impeached by a bunch of Trotski communists, who have taken over the US House of the Representatives, led by Nancy, “Anyone caught urinating in front of my mansion will be deported to Arizona” Pelosi & Co.

Space Force has been a favorite applause line at Mr. Trump’s political rallies, and the military has applauded as an affirmation of the need to more effectively organize for the defense of US interests in space — especially satellites used for navigation and communication.


3…………> Trump Attacks The Religious Wavers: Moral Slander


An evangelical magazine founded by the late Reverend Billy Graham has defected to the “Communist Infidels” of US House of Representatives,  and “would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President,”  as alleged by our democratically elected, and the Electoral College confirmed leader. 

The magazine’s editorial said that the facts “are unambiguous” when it comes to the acts that led to the President’s impeachment, and it is no wonder that its circulation is estimated to be 130,000.


4…………> Applied Global Warming: Down Under On Fire


Warnings of ‘catastrophic conditions’ are in place across the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW), where firefighters are tackling more than 100 blazes.

The NSW Fire Service described Saturday as an “awful day”, as strong winds and high temperatures increased the threat level.

Some residents were advised to take shelter where they were because it was too late to leave.

More than 700 homes have been destroyed since the blazes started in September.(


5…………> Down With The Infidels: Iran Axis Of Evil


Iranian President, Grand Ayatollah Hassan Rouhani urged the Muslim world to join forces against the domination of the US system and the dollar, as Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad  stated that his country, Iran, Turkey and Qatar may use the Iranian medieval gold coin, the dinar, as well as barter trade as a hedge against economic sanctions.

“With the world witnessing nations making unilateral decisions to impose such punitive measures, Malaysia and other nations must always bear in mind that it can be imposed on any of us,” Mahathir said during the 2019 Kuala Lumpur Summit in the Malaysian capital.

He apparently referred to the situation related to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severing diplomatic and trade links with Qatar in 2017 over allegations that it supports terrorism, as well as the US’ anti-Iranian sanctions that Washington imposed after its pull-out from the Iran nuclear deal

“I have suggested that we re-visit the idea of using the gold dinar and barter trade among us.”


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Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For  2019-07-26 00:43:19 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Anything vertical will eventually be horizontal.”


Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!




Donald J. Trump






Puts Guatemalan Migrants on Fast Track Home”

DHS McAleenan Puts Guatemala Migrants on Fast Track Home

A quiet deal with Guatemala now allows U.S. border agencies to send Guatemalan migrants home without any need for travel documents.




  1. unknown.jpg

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

The White House




Today, President Trump announced a safe third country agreement with Guatemala that will put human smugglers out of business and provide safety for legitimate asylum seekers.


2…………> President Trump’s Good Work: White House Today


While Congressional Democrats spent the past year determined to undo the 2016 election—topped off by yesterday’s “spectacle” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller—President Donald J. Trump has kept one of his most important promises to voters.

Alongside other crucial actions such as signing historic criminal justice reform and dealing a major blow to America’s opioid crisis, President Trump joined with leaders across the private and nonprofit sectors to accomplish something extraordinary. With Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump leading the charge, the Pledge to America’s Workers secured more than 12.7 million opportunities for our workforce in just one year.



3…………> Applied Global Warming: Heat Wave & EU Hailstorms


Soaring temperatures broke records in the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, Islamic Sheikdoms of France and Netherlands, as a heatwave gripped Europe for the second time in a month, while experts warned the heat could move north towards Greenland causing record ice melts.

A 66-year-old woman was found dead in Belgium after basking in the blazing sun, as record temperature were recorded in Germany on two consecutive days, and hailstorms forced an extraordinary halt to the Tour de France.

Capital Weather Gang


In Europe, a historic heat wave is crushing all-time national temperature records with astonishing ease, It may also hasten Arctic melt as it builds north to Scandinavia

Belgium, where temperatures topped 41C in some areas, suffered the first death recorded this year as a direct result of the record-breaking heat when a woman was found dead near her caravan close to the beach. (ABC.AU)



4…………> SUPCO Strikes Down Activist Judges: Allows Wall Money



Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!


3:37 PM – Jul 26, 2019

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End of Twitter post by @realDonaldTrump

The US Supreme court ruled by five votes to four to block a ruling by a federal judge in California that barred the president from spending the money on the wall, a great victory against the “Deep State” activist judges that have been blocking the  use of government funds in budding the wall between US and Mexico.



5…………> Market Report for 07/26/2019: sell stop 27000:CG 6018, 11/21/2019


Stocks up 51 to 27192, DJ futures -8, rally leveled off following President Trump attack on four Democratic Party women, lead by “Comrade” AOC.

Gold up to 1418.5 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Cover short stop at 25200 triggered with a gain of 1200 points, new position long 25150, sell stop 27000 for a gain of 1850 points.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


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Posted on Blog For 03/26/2019: Evening Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump
  2. DwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg

    Donald J. Trump

    Verified account


    14m14 minutes ago


    “A Catastrophic Media Failure”

    2,127 replies 3,149 retweets 9,767 likes

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    Donald J. Trump

    Verified account


    4h4 hours ago


    The Republican Party will become “The Party of Healthcare!”

    19,807 replies 14,419 retweets 70,563 likes

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    2…………>  The Two Year, $25 Million Witch Hunt: An American Outrage


    After an exhaustive investigation by the Special Counsel, filled with 2,800 subpoenas, more than 500 witnesses, millions of pages of documents, and $25 million wasted in taxpayer dollars, here is what it found, nothing.

    And a complete exoneration of President Trump and the entire Trump campaign—exactly what the President and the White House have told the American people from the beginning of the Democrats’ fishing expedition.

    In an effort to validate their own political instincts, the mainstream media abandoned all journalistic standards and repeatedly failed the American people by accepting wild speculation as fact.

    The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC wrote a combined 8,507 articles citing Robert Mueller’s investigation since May 2017—an average of nearly 13 articles every single day.

    Since Election Night 2016, Democrats and their media allies have been fixated on a simple illusion to justify their otherwise indefensible behavior toward an American Commander in Chief. (White House)




    3…………> A Catastrophic Media Failure: Pelosi, Waters, Fake News & Co


    “The saga that is the Mueller Report is a consequence of what happens when you begin with a conclusion and then desperately seek evidence you hope will confirm it,” Cal Thomas writes in The Washington Times.

     “Not about collusion, Russian interference or obstruction of justice, but about the leading lights of journalism who managed to get the story so wrong, and for so long,” The Wall Street Journal reported.

    America’s blue-chip journalists botched the entire story, from its birth during the presidential campaign to its final breath Sunday—and they never stopped congratulating themselves for it.

    House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, says he intends to ask Attorney General Barr to testify before his committee.

    “No amount of evidence to the contrary will keep [Democrats] from continuing investigations,” he said.




    4…………>  The Relentless Stolen Art Detective: Picasso Dora Maar


    The Dutchman Arthur Brand, also known as the “Indiana Jones of the art world” has found a Picasso work “Buste de Femme” aka (Dora Maar), painted in 1938, and stolen 20 years ago, after the portrait was circulated in the Dutch criminal underworld for years after it was taken from a Saudi sheikh’s yacht in 1999.

    “Everyone assumed it had been destroyed – that’s what happens with 90% of all stolen art, because it can’t be put on sale,” he told Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, adding that after he recovered the painting, he hung it on his wall for the night “and thoroughly enjoyed it.”



    5…………> Market Report for 03/25/2019: cover short stop 25,600, CG(4760)


    Long position long 25650, sell stop 25600 closed for a loss of 50 points.Long position at 25600 closed, sell stop 25750 for a gain of 150 points. New position short at 25750, cover short stop at 25600 for a gain of 100 points. 

    Stocks up 141 to 25658, DJ futures -16, rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks to end the government shutdown and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products.

    Gold closed down to 1316.3.



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