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Bibi1581 Blog For 09/12/2018: Morning Edition

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1…………>Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump



1 hour ago

“I can say, as it relates to the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation, that we have NO hard evidence of Collusion.” Richard Burr (R-NC) Senate Intelligence Committee, Chairman

1 hour ago

Hurricane Florence may now be dipping a bit south and hitting a portion of the Great State of Georgia. Be ready, be prepared!

4 hours ago

Hurricane Florence is looking even bigger than anticipated. It will be arriving soon. FEMA, First Responders and Law Enforcement are supplied and ready. Be safe!

4 hours ago

We got A Pluses for our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida (and did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico, even though an inaccessible island with very poor electricity and a totally incompetent Mayor of San Juan). We are ready for the big one that is coming!

5 hours ago

“The President has absolutely demonstrated no wrongdoing whatsoever & that the Special Counsel has no evidence of any wrongdoing. In other words, it’s time to end this Witch Hunt.” @LouDobbs Russian “collusion” was just an excuse by the Democrats for having lost the Election!

13 hours ago

Crazy Maxine Waters: “After we impeach Trump, we’ll go after Mike Pence. We’ll get him.” @FoxNews Where are the Democrats coming from? The best Economy in the history of our country would totally collapse if they ever took control!

14 hours ago

….giving the information, and causing the appointment of a Special C without having the courage of his own convictions…..” Alan Dershowitz @TuckerCarlson In other words, the whole thing was illegally and very unfairly set up?

14 hours ago

“You know who’s at fault for this more than anyone else, Comey, because he leaked information and laundered it through a professor at Columbia Law School. Shame on that professor, and shame on Comey. He snuck the information to a law professor who collaborated with him in……..









2…………> Two Against Trump: China, Russia & Co


 The Vostok-2018 drills, which will be held at five military training grounds and in the waters of the Sea of Japan, will involve more than 300,000 troops, 36,000 tanks, 1,000 aircraft, and 80 warships and support vessels. Roughly 3,200 members of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will join in on the drills, according to Al Jazeera. The start of the drills also coincided with the beginning of a three-day economic meeting in Vladivostok, at which Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin were spotted in a pancake-cooking showdown.

 “This is about the military, the political, the economic and even the cultural relationship, and this isn’t just the biggest military exercise since the fall out the Soviet Union, actually. This is the largest military drill either Russia or the Soviet Union has ever had, and it is a domestic military drill. It’s showing again that this military, political, economic strategic partnership… is becoming an alliance,” according to a security analyst.






3…………> Terror In Hengyang: China


The driver of the car has been detained, the motives behind the attack are still unknown. A red Land Rover rammed into the crowd in China city of Hengyang on Wednesday evening, killing three people and injuring 43 more, Paper newspaper reported. The media specified that the car suffered severe damages. ​According to the video that occurred on the social networks, dozens of people started panicking as a 4×4 vehicle drives into the crowd.





4…………> Florence Evacuation: Way Out


The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) Air Operations Centre posted time-lapse footage on Tuesday (local time) of one of its aircraft flying through the center of the category four hurricanes.  The video shows the WP-3D Orion flying through a dense cloud, before breaking out of the darkness into the eye of the hurricane with a blue sky above.



5…………> Where Is Fan Bingbing: China



Chinese superstar across Fan Bingbing has suddenly disappeared and not been seen since July. Better known  for her roles in the X-Men films,  Fan was publicly linked to a tax evasion investigation in May and has since gone silent. Last week, a state media report from China’s state-run Securities Daily said that BingBing, 36, was “placed under control.”

But the online story vanished not long after it first appeared, and independent film critic Jiang Yong, based in Beijing, said Bingbing was the face of film, television, and commercials in China.

“She’s one of the most important celebrities in China, quite possibly the most famous,” Mr. Yong said.

Authorities haven’t confirmed she is being targeted in a tax investigation, but Mr. Yong said it had been rumored online that she’s among the stars accused of using “Yin and Yang contracts.”

“Yin and Yang’s contracts mean one contract is submitted to the tax department,” Mr. Yong said.

“But there’s a second contract containing a higher amount of money that is the real contract.

“The tax department is now investigating this practice in the Chinese film industry.” The scandal has prompted Chinese regulators to cap the amount film studios can pay top stars. 

The disappearance of China’s most beloved star has created a great amount of turmoil  in the nearly 60 millions followers social postings, leaving many to wonder if Mr.Xi’s hound dogs have deposed her to a remote Uyghur “re-education camp, shining a bright light in her face and a cement faced integrator eating an apple, endless repeating the same question:

“Fan, you must tell us where the Yin and Yang’s are, else there won’t be a Bingbing no more”.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 06/15/2018: Evening Edition 

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1…………>“Crosser” Families Separation: New Camp

A new directive from Attorney General Jeff Session of “zero tolerance” policy on immigration that referred all cases of illegal entry for criminal prosecution has led to the creation a temporary encampment near the US-Mexico border in Texas that is holding 1995 children separated from their families at the US-Mexico border in six-weeks.

The new shelter, which consists of large tent structures, has the capacity to hold 360 children and it is located near an official border crossing point, some 35 miles southeast of the Texan city of El Paso.

In response to the criticism of the Conference of Catholic Bishop’s, Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited the bible to defend the controversial policy.

“I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of the order,” Sessions said.

2…………>Hoover Dam Stand-off: Armed Man

An armed man huddled inside a tactical armoured vehicle blockaded the bridge over the Hoover Dam on Friday afternoon.

The man inside the vehicle was said to be writing messages and showing them through the windows of the vehicle, according to witnesses on social media. It is not clear what was written on the notes, though a local CBS News affiliate reported that one of the notes said to release unredacted inspector general reports on the FBI’s conduct in the 2016 elections.

“You can’t get away from politics,” remarked Columbia Journalism School director of alumni relations Maria Newman.

Police arrived on the scene about 15 minutes following the blockade of the bridge. About 45 minutes after police responded, the man was “taken into custody without incident,” the Nevada Highway Patrol’s Southern Command said on Twitter. The man was arrested by Arizona police.

US Highway 93 was closed in both directions. The road was re-opened after the person was detained.

The man was wearing a mask and carrying a machine gun while barricaded inside the vehicle, Metro Police Officer Jay Rivera tells the Las Vegas Sun.

3…………> Quantum Computers: 

Quantum computers operate on quantum bits or ‘qubits, the unit of quantum information capable of storing an exponentially larger number of data points in between 1 and 0, providing computing power by a factor of 100 or more than “classic”, “0 or 1” binary coded bytes.

“In principle, it seems to me that it’s much too early to declare a winner in the quantum race; various quantum platforms have their own pros and cons. Therefore, it’s extremely important for us not to concentrate on one version, but to explore all possibilities,” Prof. Lukin explained.

Having said that, the physicist added that his team’s ‘analogue-like’ platform distinguishes itself through its immense flexibility, and the tremendous possible computing power that follows.

“Qubits based on cold atoms and ions are incredibly flexible in their work,” the scientist explained. “Factually, they can be moved around, reprogrammed and changed in mid-calculation. In this sense, the solid platforms based on silicon and phosphorous being created by our Australian colleagues are significantly inferior, since they cannot be changed after their chip is created.”


4…………> “Shoot Down” B52’s: PLA Exercise


China’s People’s Liberation Army-Navy conducted anti-aircraft drills in the South China Sea,  including shooting at dummy drone targets, following the US military’s nuclear-capable B-52 flyover earlier this month “in the vicinity of the South China Sea,” US Pacific Air Forces reported.

Chinese President Xi Jinping “stressed building an elite maritime force to resolutely accomplish various missions entrusted by the Party and the people” while visiting a navy outpost, Xinhua reports.

A senior US general issued a subtle warning late in May — whether intentionally or not — that the US military “has had a lot of experience in the Western Pacific, taking down small islands.” China has been building on small islands in contested parts of the sea, erecting civil and military infrastructure, to the consternation of the US and Asian nations with competing claims to the areas.


5…………> Market Report 06/15/2018, cover short 25150, CG(10922), 11/22/17

Closed position short 24400, cover shortstop 24500, for a loss of 50 DIA points.

New position long 24500, stop 25100 for a gain of 600 points closed due to sell stop trigger at 25100 for a gain of 600 points. New position short 25100, cover short stop at 25150 for a loss of 50 DIA points.

Stocks were down 85 to 25090, DJ futures -118, attempt to stage a covering short rally failing.

Gold down to 1282 and USD/CHF at 1.01 despite President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover short at 25,150.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 05/13/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Globalist Treachery: Paris Knife Attack

In a statement of supreme idiocy, the President of the Islamic Sheikdom of France, Grand Rabbinical Ayatollah Emmanuel Macron tweeted (in French): “France has once again paid in blood, but will not give an inch to the enemies of freedom,” as an Islamic State mule-head named Khamzat Asimov, who was on a French watch list of people who could pose a threat to national security, and he proved it by killing a man and injuring four other people, then being finally shot dead by police in the busy Opéra district. 


Why was “flagged IS sympathizer” born in the Russian republic of Chechnya allowed to roam free on the streets of Paris, knife in hand? Mr.Macron is the same very obnoxious man who just a few weeks ago had the audacity to go in front of US Congress and lecture the American government and people on his treacherous “open border” multicultural world, where Sharia courts freely ignore national sovereignty and terrorize the citizens converting into Islam.



2…………> Indonesia Blast: Terrorist Family


Members of one family were behind a wave of blasts targeting three churches in Indonesia’s second city of Surabaya, an attack that killed at least 11 people and left dozens of others injured.

In a bombing the security services described as “barbaric”, a mother blew herself and two children up at one church, while the father and three sons targeted two others.

Sunday’s bombings, which the Islamic State group has claimed, are the deadliest in Indonesia since 2005.



3…………> China #2: A New Aircraft Carrier 


The first entirely Chinese-built aircraft carrier, Type 001A is set to start full-scale sea trials, leaving the port of Dalian after almost 4 years of construction.

The length of the aircraft carrier is over 1000 feet long, has a beam of 225 feet, displacement of 50 thousand metric tons (70 thousand when fully loaded), operating speed at 31 nautical knots, and will be able to carry up to 36 Shenyang J-15 fighters aboard. 

The trials, along with the broader military build-up, follow the course of Chinese President Xi Jinping, who stated this April that the necessity to have a powerful navy “has never been as urgent as it is today.” 


4…………> A Prelude To War: Taiwan

The People’s Liberation Army Navy is planning to hold live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait next week, a move that could step up tensions between Beijing and Taipei.

“Live-fire maneuvers will take place… in the Taiwan Strait on April 18, 2018, between 8 a.m. and midnight,” the maritime administration agency of China’s Fujian province said in a Thursday announcement.

On Thursday, President Xi Jinping observed PLA aircraft take off from the Liaoning aircraft carrier, the New Straits Times reports. The video also showed Xi sitting down to join PLA Navy sailors for a meal. Speaking to the sailors, Xi said the requirement to build a more powerful navy “has never been as urgent as it is today.”

5…………> Meth Bust: Denver

Thirty-seven individuals have been charged with federal crimes related to methamphetamine drug trafficking in two separate indictments unsealed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado.

As described in two separate indictments, the drug conspiracy operated within the State of Colorado from dates spanning back as far as July 1, 2015. Separate charges against individual defendants include conspiracy to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute methamphetamine, knowingly or intentionally distributing and possessing with the intent to distribute methamphetamine, intentionally using a communications device in causing or facilitating the commission of a drug felony, and money laundering.

“Meth ravages and ruins the precious lives of too many Coloradans,” said U.S. Attorney Bob Troyer. “Taking out 37 dealers, taking this kind of weight out of our suffering communities, is a major public safety victory. And it’s one we only got because of the exceptional work and partnership we have with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, the DEA, and many other law enforcement agencies.”

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