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George Sorbane books

George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Anything vertical will eventually be horizontal.”


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump

@realDonald Trump


Donald J. Trump




Donald J. Trump


NO MORE VOTER FRAUD: @JudicialWatch President @TomFitton announces 1.59 million ineligible voters to be removed from California registration rolls.


Donald J. Trump


Ronna McDaniel @GOPChairwoman· Oct 17 “Our country is once again living by two simple rules: buy American and hire American. The economy is booming. Our people are prospering. Our country is thriving and our nation is stronger than ever before!” —

@realDonaldTrump #KeepAmericaGreat


Donald J. Trump


@realDonaldTrump has been in office for 3 years. He has sustained an energy and a momentum that we have never seen, and his supporters are with him 100%.” – @GOPChairwoman


2…………> Boeing Top Brass Lies: ‘Real Fundamental Issues’ With 737 Max 


Text messages released yesterday show senior Boeing technical pilot “unknowingly” misled FAA over 737 Max safety issues with the plane’s MCAS, or flight stabilization system, was “running rampant”, and that he also lobbied the Federal Aviation Administration to remove mention of the MCAS from the operating manual and pilot training to cut costs.

The pilot, Mark Forkner, told another Boeing employee in a series of instant messages in 2016 that the flight stabilisation system, called MCAS, was “egregious” while he tested it in a flight simulator.

The treachery of Boening upper management led to an Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max to crash only minutes after take-off from Addis Ababa in March, killing all 157 people on board, while the same type flown by the Indonesian airline Lion Air crashed into the sea only five months earlier in October 2018, shortly after taking off from Jakarta.

“So I basically lied to the regulators [unknowingly],” wrote Mr Forkner, then Boeing’s chief technical pilot for the 737


3…………> The Fall Of UK’s “Super Investor” Neil Woodford: Many More Ahead?


As the “New Trump Economics” of MAGA took hold on the world’s markets, putting an end to the outrageous decade of “qualitative easing” of near zero interest rates, spearheaded by our first Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens emails” Obama’s Fed chair Janet Yellen, there had been a silent uptick of investment companies closings and bankruptcies, as financial markets found equilibrium around the historical 5.18% level.

The Islamic Sheikdom of UK equivalent to the “World’s Greatest Investor” Mr. Warren Buffet, aka Mr. Neil Woodford announced he would abandon his last two funds, the “frozen” Income Focus, Woodford Patient Capital, and close his investment management business, as big pension funds and armchair investors started pulling out their money in droves.

This week, the end came swiftly as the administrator – Link Fund Solutions – said the fund, now worth £3bn, would be shut down and Mr Woodford removed as manager.

 In June, those left were stuck when the fund was suspended by its administrator.


4…………> Brushing The PLA Brass: Mr. Xi Meets Senior Officers In Hubei


China’s President Mr.Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, extended congratulations on the convening of the congress and sincere greetings to all the delegates and service personnel in the joint logistic support force.

Mr. Xi encouraged them to faithfully perform their duties, forge ahead with determination, push for new progress in all work, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation and the dream of a strong military.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday met with delegates to the first Party congress of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Joint Logistic Support Force and senior officers stationed in central China’s Hubei Province.

Why is Mr.Xi so frequently cuddling his military and police forces? Could it be an overt signal of an impending attack, like on Hong Kong protesters “crushed bones and heads”?


5…………> Israel ‘Fundamental Right’ to Bomb Syria: Pompeo


“We know this is a corner [of the world] where Iran has attempted to move weapons systems across into Syria, into Lebanon, that threatens Israel and we’re going to do everything we can to make sure we have the capacity to identify those so that we can collectively respond appropriately,” the secretary Pompeo noted, pointing to alleged Iranian activities which have in the past led to Israeli drone and air strikes against targets across multiple regional countries.

“The United States fully supports Israel’s actions to defend its interests in the region”, Mr.Pompeo has said, telling the Jerusalem Post that the Trump administration has “been very clear” that “Israel has the fundamental right to engage in activity that ensures the security of its people.”

Pompeo also pointed to the US’s “toughest sanctions” ever against Iran, saying the US’s overall strategy was “committed to countering” and pushing back against Iran as “the fundamental destabilizing force inside the Middle East.–reports/


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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/17/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Attack On Church: Pakistan

At least eight people were killed and 44 injured, including women and children, when four heavily armed militants stormed a church with some 400 people  attending Sunday services in southwestern Pakistan city of Quetta, according to police reports.  
One of the assailants blew himself up at the entrance, another was shot dead and two escaped with security forces efforts underway to apprehend the fugitives.

2…………> “Erdogan Must Die”: Greek “Leftist” Plot

Nine far-left terrorist suspects planned to assassinate Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to Greece earlier this month, with detailed plot including usage of rocket launchers, hand grenades, and Molotov cocktails along the motorcade route. 
According to Greek daily “To Vima” reports, the nine alleged members of Turkey’s far-left Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C)had planned the assassination, and are
 all in police custody.


3…………> “Good Man” Trump: Russians Warned

The “Russian Collusion” idiots, including some former cronies of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama jumped on the “Smear Campaign” wagon midweek when a news of a phone call initiated by Mr. Trump to Mr. Putin came to light. It turned out that information provided by the CIA helped Russian security services foil an attack on St. Petersburg Kazan cathedral, an attack that was planned by seven members of an Islamic State cell loaded with a significant amount of explosives and weapons ready to unleash terror to the holy and revered place this Saturday, according to FSB sources.


4………….> Black Market 101: “Uncle Un Needs Me”

It has been said that “The Whole World Hates Traitors,” and this story is no exception after the news of the Australian Federal Police charging a 59-year-old Sydney man for working as a black-market agent to sell missile components and coal for North Korea.
Chan Han Choi, a resident of 
Australia for more than 30 years was involved in transfer of missile components, including software for the guidance of ballistic missiles, as well as North Korean military expertise to international entities with the amount of money involved estimated in the “tens of millions of dollars” range.

5…………> “Down With Trump”: Indonesia

The Indonesia’s Mufti’s were apparently very unhappy with President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, that a call for a boycott of American products came out resulting in the largest protest against US on record.

An estimated 80,000 people in white tunics rallied in the capital of the world’s largest Muslim nation in the 10th straight day of protests, carrying signs reading “Indonesia unites for Palestine” and “Save our Palestine.” 

We should be happy that so far none of Mufti’s has issued a “Fatwa” against America and our elected President.


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